Saturday, December 31, 2011


There was once I clerked a patient for a case report. The patient was retarded and aged 40+. (So, I didn't clerked her, her family instead). Her activities of daily living was dependent 99% to her mother. The mother, being old and having to take care of her daughter -instead of the other way around-, was always there for her daughter. She complained of body aches from her continuous sitting and sleeping while sitting up. Pity her.
She sacrificed a lot for her daughter. She bathed her, fed her and everything must be under supervision. For 40 years! She must be well-rewarded for her contribution and commitment.

On her last day in the hospital, I asked the mother;
I: Makcik, selalu solat kat mana?
Makcik: Em.. Tak solatlah. Takde tempat nak solat.
I: OMG. Berdosa tau.. (just kidding) --> Eh. Ada makcik. Ada surau staf kat sini. Kat tingkat 1 pun ada.
Makcik: [tidak memberi respon]

I pity her more for that. 

I feel sad.
Her contribution towards human and God were not balance. Unequal.
I feel bad not asking the question earlier. She might change her mind if she knows there's a place to solat.
(anyway, this is Malaysia we're talking about. Insya allah, there is always a site/place to solat in a complex building.)

All in all. We must put the importance of solat FIRST in everything we do.
And not only us, we should always remind others too; mother, father, siblings, friends, etc.
We don't want growing old and have this habit of setting up solat in the latter list.
Be fair to ourselves.
Don't burn ourselves in hell for free yeah?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saying The Right Things.

Salam and hye.
How do you know if all these while you were saying the right things to people around you?
Your responds, your comments, your jokes.
How do you know if those things coming from your mouth are not hurtful, not insensitive?
Being a good man doesn't only mean having a good relationship with God. But also with human beings too. Some might say recklessly and harsh words with intention. That will be a different story.
For us to speak, use one of the various functions of our brain: THINK.
Practice yourself to speak delicately, graciously and more importantly, with empathy.
Don't say something you don't want somebody else says to you.
Yes. Truth hurts. But find a way to make it less painful. 
Well, do some reflection for yourself. You might start with asking opinions from your friends on your talking and babbling.
Good luck in saying the right things at the right time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Opinion Opinion

Long time.
Talking about opinions, I have mine, you have yours.
Opinions are not facts. They remain as opinions unless proven otherwise.
So, your opinion or mine does not always has to be right.
We should learn to agree to disagree.
Unless it affects you and whatever that concerns you, just be calm and move on.
If it's really important, fight for it.
If it's not, let it go.
Shame on you if you think everyone else is dumber because they are different from you.
Opinion opinion.
What's your opinion about me?
Until then.  

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Out of Blue

Since I rarely update my blog.
And since exam is just right there before my eyes..
This is a super wrong time to update this glittery thing of mine. 

So I woke up at 2 a.m (WIB) with high determination for OSOCA preparation or should I say,
U know where I ended up 

So I came across to one of my loooooong farrrr relative's blog. 
It doesn't story much
More of her thoughts

And then it crossed my mind
One of the reason I didn't bother to think what to write in here
Is because I think too much!

What if this aunt of mine read this or that
What if my 'so-the-very-kepoh sister' catch on this
(which she always did kan Kak Iti??)

Sometimes your posts are meant to be read by someone else
And we hope that none of our teachers or lecturers read them
And reading back my previous posts, some of them are so not cooool to be read by those we respected or look up to or we... you get it or not? difficult la to explain
But isn't that the purpose of having a blog?
Nonsense la aku ni. 

Oh ye. 
 I heard that one of my cousin's relative
Post something in her blog about her mother.
Well. A bad one.
Rumor has it !
One of the you-never-thought-would-read cousin found it!
And people are talking!
Maybe she told her friends about her mother
It was just her thoughts
But when one of the family read that..
Not cool..
So not cool..

Like this 'Beriman' post.
It is totally decent. 
And it was my thought
And my mother's thought
But I will totally (not totally la, sikit2 je) freak out if one of my uncles read that
Embarrassing tak?
Ke aku sorang je yg paranoid. 
Am I?
Hehe. Like mother like daughter..
(Ok.. Mak please don't read this.  You are not paranoid, you are just overprotective)

OK. Jgn mengumpat mak sendiri. Bahaya. 
Nak exam.
Wish me luck.
Bai Bai

Dah subuh! 
Maybe I should post something about "How to Use Your Time Wisely"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boleh tak saya nak tegur?

Saya nak membebel sikit.
Kenapa manusia suka melihat kelemahan & keburukan orang lain?
Dan tidak mahu sedar dgn kelemahan diri sendiri?
Dan yang paling buruk perangai, bila orang menasihati dan rasa terpukul sikit, terus menghentam penasihat dgn dosa-dosanya yang zahir.
Kenapa mesti begitu?
Perlu ke kalau..
Ada menegur tentang kerja atau assignment anda yang tak lengkap
Anda tidak dapat terima teguran
Hati terasa sakit kerana tamparan teguran
Counter attack/feedback mechanism: Anda hentam kembali dengan hujah2- sesungguhnya sang penasihat juga tak sempurna. Mendedahkan aurat & dibenci ramai
Anda rasa lapang sbb dapat attack balik

Apakah natijah & kebaikan daripada counter attack tadi?
Adakah anda mengharapkan si penasihat ini akan berubah menutup aurat & disukai ramai
Sebenarnya ada perasaan hasad dengki di situ?

Contoh lain..

Ada menegur tentang status FB anda yg controversial
Anda geram – terjadi salah faham
Defense mechanism: Anda putar belitkan fakta yang jelas & memutarkan kesalahan kepada si penasihat
Modal: Si penasihat tidak sempurna; tidak menutup aurat & peribadi tidak elok

Apakah niat anda bila membuka aib seseorang yang sesungguhnya sedang menasihati anda?
Perlukah defense mechanism itu berlaku sebenarnya?
Tidak bolehkan anda menjernihkan keadaan dengan tidak mengaibkan si penasihat itu?
Kalau anda begitu sempurna mengapa tidak terima sahaja teguran yang membina?
Atau menjelaskan sebaik-baiknya.
Adakah kerana dosa-dosa zahir si penasihat ini menyebabkan mereka tidak boleh MENEGUR?
Hinakah kami?
Hanya kerana dosa yang zahir kami tidak layak untuk menegur & menasihati?
Kami menegur kerana kami PEDULI
Kami memang tidak sempurna. Sampai kiamat juga tidak akan pernah.
Tapi kami cuba untuk melakukan yang terbaik.
Kami cuba & jangan ingat kami tidak berfikir.
Kami tidak cuba menegakkan benang yang basah.
Membenarkan yang salah
Menghentam manusia & menghina sekeras2nya dan di akhir kata memohon maaf 
jika tersilap bicara

Mungkin nasihat yang kami berikan merupakan JALAN untuk kami menjadi lebih baik
Adakah anda cuba menghalang JALAN kami?
Saidina Ali R.A mengatakan:
“Janganlah melihat kepada siapa yang berkata, lihatlah kepada apa yang dikatakan.”

Secara zahirnya mungkin anda terlihat lebih baik daripada kami
Tetapi ingat..
Tiada yang sempurna

“Barangsiapa yang datang kepadamu dengan kebenaran maka terimalah kebenaran itu darinya, meskipun ia adalah orang yang jauh dan dibenci. Dan barangsiapa yang datang kepadamu dengan kebathilan maka tolaklah, meskipun ia adalah orang yang dicintai dan dekat.”

Ingat juga
Manusia yang berdosa mungkin juga akan menjadi manusia yang lebih baik pada hari mendatang
Manusia yang soleh mungkin juga akan menjadi manusia yang berdosa di hari kemudian

Niat si penasihat menegur ikhlas
Jangan sampai perbuatan anda yang suka ‘menang’ & ego tinggi itu menyebabkan lebih ramai kami-kami yang tidak sempurna & mereka-mereka yang lebih ‘daring’ dan berani menzahirkan dosa..
menjauhi orang2 ‘soleh’ seperti anda & menjauhi agama Allah
kerana takut diherdik & dihina & diaibkan

Bukankah kita semua adalah da'ie?
Mengapa perlu persoalkan dosa kami?
Maaf juga kalau sebelum ini kami juga bersikap lantang bila ada yang menegur
Defense mechanism mungkin ada pada semua orang tapi janganlah berlebih2
Doakan kami menjadi manusia yang kurang berdosa

"Sesungguhnya orang mukmin itu bersaudara"

*Memang ditujukan kepada para peng'aib' & bakal2 peng'aib'
Akan tetapi harap post ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua & si penulis juga
Jangan menuding jari kepada sesiapa 
Let's fix the damage!

Salam Ramadhan