Saturday, October 16, 2010

Out of Blue

Since I rarely update my blog.
And since exam is just right there before my eyes..
This is a super wrong time to update this glittery thing of mine. 

So I woke up at 2 a.m (WIB) with high determination for OSOCA preparation or should I say,
U know where I ended up 

So I came across to one of my loooooong farrrr relative's blog. 
It doesn't story much
More of her thoughts

And then it crossed my mind
One of the reason I didn't bother to think what to write in here
Is because I think too much!

What if this aunt of mine read this or that
What if my 'so-the-very-kepoh sister' catch on this
(which she always did kan Kak Iti??)

Sometimes your posts are meant to be read by someone else
And we hope that none of our teachers or lecturers read them
And reading back my previous posts, some of them are so not cooool to be read by those we respected or look up to or we... you get it or not? difficult la to explain
But isn't that the purpose of having a blog?
Nonsense la aku ni. 

Oh ye. 
 I heard that one of my cousin's relative
Post something in her blog about her mother.
Well. A bad one.
Rumor has it !
One of the you-never-thought-would-read cousin found it!
And people are talking!
Maybe she told her friends about her mother
It was just her thoughts
But when one of the family read that..
Not cool..
So not cool..

Like this 'Beriman' post.
It is totally decent. 
And it was my thought
And my mother's thought
But I will totally (not totally la, sikit2 je) freak out if one of my uncles read that
Embarrassing tak?
Ke aku sorang je yg paranoid. 
Am I?
Hehe. Like mother like daughter..
(Ok.. Mak please don't read this.  You are not paranoid, you are just overprotective)

OK. Jgn mengumpat mak sendiri. Bahaya. 
Nak exam.
Wish me luck.
Bai Bai

Dah subuh! 
Maybe I should post something about "How to Use Your Time Wisely"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boleh tak saya nak tegur?

Saya nak membebel sikit.
Kenapa manusia suka melihat kelemahan & keburukan orang lain?
Dan tidak mahu sedar dgn kelemahan diri sendiri?
Dan yang paling buruk perangai, bila orang menasihati dan rasa terpukul sikit, terus menghentam penasihat dgn dosa-dosanya yang zahir.
Kenapa mesti begitu?
Perlu ke kalau..
Ada menegur tentang kerja atau assignment anda yang tak lengkap
Anda tidak dapat terima teguran
Hati terasa sakit kerana tamparan teguran
Counter attack/feedback mechanism: Anda hentam kembali dengan hujah2- sesungguhnya sang penasihat juga tak sempurna. Mendedahkan aurat & dibenci ramai
Anda rasa lapang sbb dapat attack balik

Apakah natijah & kebaikan daripada counter attack tadi?
Adakah anda mengharapkan si penasihat ini akan berubah menutup aurat & disukai ramai
Sebenarnya ada perasaan hasad dengki di situ?

Contoh lain..

Ada menegur tentang status FB anda yg controversial
Anda geram – terjadi salah faham
Defense mechanism: Anda putar belitkan fakta yang jelas & memutarkan kesalahan kepada si penasihat
Modal: Si penasihat tidak sempurna; tidak menutup aurat & peribadi tidak elok

Apakah niat anda bila membuka aib seseorang yang sesungguhnya sedang menasihati anda?
Perlukah defense mechanism itu berlaku sebenarnya?
Tidak bolehkan anda menjernihkan keadaan dengan tidak mengaibkan si penasihat itu?
Kalau anda begitu sempurna mengapa tidak terima sahaja teguran yang membina?
Atau menjelaskan sebaik-baiknya.
Adakah kerana dosa-dosa zahir si penasihat ini menyebabkan mereka tidak boleh MENEGUR?
Hinakah kami?
Hanya kerana dosa yang zahir kami tidak layak untuk menegur & menasihati?
Kami menegur kerana kami PEDULI
Kami memang tidak sempurna. Sampai kiamat juga tidak akan pernah.
Tapi kami cuba untuk melakukan yang terbaik.
Kami cuba & jangan ingat kami tidak berfikir.
Kami tidak cuba menegakkan benang yang basah.
Membenarkan yang salah
Menghentam manusia & menghina sekeras2nya dan di akhir kata memohon maaf 
jika tersilap bicara

Mungkin nasihat yang kami berikan merupakan JALAN untuk kami menjadi lebih baik
Adakah anda cuba menghalang JALAN kami?
Saidina Ali R.A mengatakan:
“Janganlah melihat kepada siapa yang berkata, lihatlah kepada apa yang dikatakan.”

Secara zahirnya mungkin anda terlihat lebih baik daripada kami
Tetapi ingat..
Tiada yang sempurna

“Barangsiapa yang datang kepadamu dengan kebenaran maka terimalah kebenaran itu darinya, meskipun ia adalah orang yang jauh dan dibenci. Dan barangsiapa yang datang kepadamu dengan kebathilan maka tolaklah, meskipun ia adalah orang yang dicintai dan dekat.”

Ingat juga
Manusia yang berdosa mungkin juga akan menjadi manusia yang lebih baik pada hari mendatang
Manusia yang soleh mungkin juga akan menjadi manusia yang berdosa di hari kemudian

Niat si penasihat menegur ikhlas
Jangan sampai perbuatan anda yang suka ‘menang’ & ego tinggi itu menyebabkan lebih ramai kami-kami yang tidak sempurna & mereka-mereka yang lebih ‘daring’ dan berani menzahirkan dosa..
menjauhi orang2 ‘soleh’ seperti anda & menjauhi agama Allah
kerana takut diherdik & dihina & diaibkan

Bukankah kita semua adalah da'ie?
Mengapa perlu persoalkan dosa kami?
Maaf juga kalau sebelum ini kami juga bersikap lantang bila ada yang menegur
Defense mechanism mungkin ada pada semua orang tapi janganlah berlebih2
Doakan kami menjadi manusia yang kurang berdosa

"Sesungguhnya orang mukmin itu bersaudara"

*Memang ditujukan kepada para peng'aib' & bakal2 peng'aib'
Akan tetapi harap post ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua & si penulis juga
Jangan menuding jari kepada sesiapa 
Let's fix the damage!

Salam Ramadhan

Monday, July 26, 2010


Riak itu tak baik. Berdosa.
Kenapa kita tak boleh riak?
Sebab semua kelebihan kita adalah milik ALLAH.
Kalau kita riak, ianya macam
'Kau action ada rumah banglo besar dabak tapi sebenarnya rumah tu jiran kau punya'
Jadi tak boleh lah macam tu. 

Kelebihan yang kita ada ALLAH punya. 
Kita pinjam.
ALLAH boleh ambil balik anytime anywhere.
Kalau kita kaya, mungkin esok ada team 'Leverage' swindle duit kita. 
Kalau kita handsome, mungkin esok John Travolta (versi tak semenggah) graft muka kita dan tukar ngn muka dia.
Kalau kita pandai, mungkin esok kita kena disease yg bole degenerate brain kita. 

Oleh itu, mari bersyukur & kurangkan riak.

Adaptasi dari Offline YM Nazmi

Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Mak!!

Hehe. Ye. Birthday lagi.

My mother!! The most important person in my life. Should be the most important person in everyone's life..
My emak adalah seorang bekas guru.
Sekarang, mak & abah adalah pesara kerajaan yg berjaya.
Mak berkulit cerah. Tapi tkde pn yg ikut kulit cerah mak. Semua ikot gelap abah!
Tapi mak & abah dua2 renek, jd kami semua pun mcm pokok bonsai. Renek2 sahaja.
Mak saya suka berjimat cermat. And I'm inheriting that gene.
Mak sebut lelaki = laki-laki
Mak sebut nombor = nombol
Mak sebut turquoise = turquoi 
Kak mia & saya sgt suka usik mak dgn perkataan2 itu. Hehe. Sorry mak.

Mak juga byk memperkenalkn perkataan2 baru yg tk tahu lah wujud ke tak dlm kamus.
contohnye; subal = kasut yg nmpk gemuk kt depan,
kempok = orang yg muka cengkung ke dalam.
Mak suka tengok rancangan agama. Kalau kecik2 malam jumaat mak bukak forum perdana, semua org senyap2 seludup masuk dlm bilik. Skrg pn lebih kurang je la. Haha.
Mak bagus. Selalu nak belajar agama. 

Mak tk suka buang barang2 terpakai. Mak suka simpan sbb mana tau nnti2 nak guna lagi. Tp selalunya tk guna pn. Tp tkpe la.

Saya juga suka ajak mak shopping. Sebab mak pn bekas juara2 shopping.

Semua orang pasti takut bila mak dah jegilkn biji mata atau jeling2. Takut ooo!
Perkataan paling menakutkn yg mak sebut ialah, kuang haja!.. meskipun mak ckp kt pelakon kt tv, tp kami terasa panahan itu kerana nada yg sungguh menakutkn.

We love asam pedas ikan sembilang mak. Nasi rawan mak. Mee mak. Ape2 la yg berkenaan ngn mak.

Mak pn tk suka org busuk!
Mak tk suka makan cheese, susu. Yg ala2 org putih punya mknn.
Ape2 pun...

Iqah sayang mak!
Semoga mak panjang umur, sehat selalu, dpt pg haji byk2 kali...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Kak Iti...!

Okay. So another birthday.
My 1st big sista..Happy 29th!
This sister of mine is very out of control.
She rules herself.
Tough cookie she is.
She is the drama queen in the family.

5 things that she likes to do/fond of/able to do/eager to do/has the talent:
1. Cook
2. Multitasking
3. Talk
4. Drama'ing'
5. well.. peeling off her cuticles. (you better stop that)

I should thank her for:
1. Took care of me when my mom went for Haji when I was 2. And she was 10!
2. Woke me up to go to school. (tadika). I remember you shouted, 'Iqah, wake up! Take your bath!!' Is this true, or is it just my imagination?
3. Accompanied me to MARA interview where we both had no idea what I was interviewing for.
4. Being my sister.

You should thank me for:
1. Took care of you when you broke your leg.
2. Woke up early to go to school (primary school..where I should woke up a bit later) so that you won't be late.
3. Took care of you during your puerperium. It wasn't that much actually. You did a lot of things on your own.
4. Being your sister. Hehe.

Why I like you:
1. You are not that grumpy as Kak Mia
2. You give me nephew & niece
3. You are my sister. No choice

1. You like to do nonsense, asking things that you might found in Google right away.
2. Call people to say something 'urgent' when it was actually far from 'urgent'. Like, 'Sapa yg belakon cite...'
3. You like to mock my teeth when yours are not that impressive either.

My message to you:
1. Don't drink coke. (forever)
2. Be a good sister, child, mother, wife, businesswoman, etc..
3. I love you

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Abah!

Hari ni 16 Jun. Birthday Abah saya.
Maka, seperti biasa, saya tulis blog untuk birthday2 orang saja nak kasi touching.
Pun begitu, saya berharap abah saya tak payah la baca post ni. Mcm tak perlu je.
Abah suka bakar sampah. Dan nampaknya, beliau seperti enjoy duduk sebelah asap dan memerhatikan sampah dibakar. 'Abah kena jaga paru2. Lagi satu, asap pun boleh buat cataract jugak'.
Iqah dah cakap, 'Abah ni buat pencemaran la. Tak bagus tau.'
Tapi Abah cakap, 'Takpelah, buat pencemaran sikit untuk hapuskan pencemaran yg lebih byk (sampah)'
Abah ni suka nak menang je kalau bebual. Pasal belerang pun boleh buat debat dgn mak.
Abah juga orangnya menjaga kesihatan dari segi pemakanan.
Abah tak suka makan kicap sbb byk ajinomoto, abah tak mkn sate, sbb byk lemak.
Abah suka beli makanan mcm orang putih. Makan bijirin2 sehat, yoghurt, kismis, susu.
Abah juga tidak suka minum ais sbb ais tak bagus. Apatah lagi air gas berkarbonat. Tidak ada dalam kamus makanan Abah.
Abah cakap, 'Cakap kat Shuhadah jangan minum coke. Tak bagus tu'.
Abah cakap, 'Air yoghurt ni air paling sedap kat dunia'. Tapi air yoghurt tu yahudi la abah.
Abah panggil Kak Iti 'Shuhadah' tapi bunyi mcm 'Suadah'
Abah panggil Kak Mia 'Miha' tapi bunyi mcm 'Mehah'
Abah kalau ketawa ada bunyi angin keluar dr mulut. Mcm bunyi kucing Salem cite Sabrina the Teenage Witch tu ketawa.
Abah menentang bida'ah. Dulu2 macam pelik je apa yg abah buat. Tapi sekarang, yg pelik itulah kebenarannya.
Abah juga nampaknya suka kucing. Bagi makan kucing. Bebual dgn kucing. Marah kucing yg jahat.
Kucing2 juga nampaknya suka Abah. Kecuali kucing yang jahat.
Abah tak berapa suka ambik gambar muka sendiri.
Abah ckp, 'Hari2 dah tengok muka sendiri, kenapa nak ambik gambar lagi'..
OK Abah. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, menjadi lebih baik. Go Abah Go!
Semoga kerja2 pembinaan abah di rumah berjalan lancar.
Sweet 55. Abah bagitau tadi kat tepon, abah pakai baju Yankees 55. Haha.
Abah.. Abah..

Abah juga suka binatang2 lain selain kucing

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Ida, Lovely Cousin Ever!

The above title is referred.
Ida is my cousin.
I practically know her my entire life.
She's 22 this year!
Time fly fast.

When we were young, so young, we bathe together at her home. We covered the drain in the bathroom with something, then we flooded the bathroom with water. And then, we sprinkled detergents all over, and SPLASH! we were actually had our own bubble party together. It was awesome! I really love & enjoy that thing -at that moment.

We played dolls together, collected mini set of tea, played in the playground. I remember that we were so looking forward to go to the sundry shop at the opposite block.

And when I went to school in Kluang, it was kinda hard to keep in touch regularly. So we sent letters! Classic isn't it! I remembered most of your envelopes was yellow. And you wrote in that, addressing the warden not to hold back the letter, since all letters to student were read firsthand & censored by the wardens. You even wrote poems Ida! Your handwritings are chubby. I still kept the letters ok..

We grew up & old. We spent our outings in Eastpoint. Had Burger King. Played in the arcade. Went to This Fashion. Oh you had your hair permed in Kg. Melayu salon. It was kinda disaster wasn't it.

Then there were times we spent our nights out at Clarke Quay. Bitching people as they passed by. And we went to Esplanade. It was like a tour in Singapore. Hey, I wanna do that again!

And we took care of nenek when she was sick. And we came back home late night, and my mom had called Cik Munah dozen times.

You are a wonderful cousin Ida! Now & Then..
Have a wonderful and joyous life.

    This was long time ago!

 You painted this in Paint in my laptop, and asked me not to delete it. When we were in Port Dickson. Here it is!!

Love ya lots!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Boycott Israel: How to make people around you do the same?

Israel Laknatullah..
There are people out there, Muslims in particular who haven't open their eyes and start do something about the Gaza, Palestine issues. Here are some ways you can do to help them:

1. When you see a friend holding a Coca-cola can, bulge your eyes, twitch your mouth and try to make a 'jijik' face the best you can.

2. When someone really close to you (like sister..hehe) demanding to have Israel products, you bulge your eyes again, say 'No' and if they insist, you can try a bit of violence (bite softly, hit mildly, pinch seriously) on them to stop them doing so. It is better to do it in public so he/she will get embarrassed.

3. Istighfar for 3 times, and pray loudly with your eyes looking up to the sky, 'Ya Allah Ya Rabb, may you show the right path for this friend of mine, so that he will stop helping the Israels instead of the Palestinians. Israel Laknatullah'. It is best if you can try to well your eyes a bit. Make it dramatic.

4. When a friend is consuming or using the 'jinx' products, you hold the container, pretend that you are interested in that product, and try to make him offer you to try the products, and you should say, "Is this good? Whose product is this?" Fumble a bit and.. "Oh my god! This is Israel's! You actually using/eat this? God forgive me.. and YOU!".
Malay version. "Ya Allah! Barang Israel ni! Kau guna/makan benda ni? Semoga Allah ampunkan aku..dan KAU!". And put that thing away far from you.

5. A friend is drinking from Starbucks cup, and you simply say, "Oh. I'm thirsty.." or "I need a drink". Then if she/he offers you the drink in his/her hand, and you should reply, "Eww.. I don't drink Israels! Gross!" or "Yucks! I'm allergic to Israel's!". Don't forget to make ogre-like face.
Malay version. "Eyuuuww. Aku tak minum Israel! Jijik!" atau "Yekk. Aku allergic dgn Israel!

Hey hey. We should prove that we can live without those Laknatullah & their products. Even if it costs something & need you to sacrifice something, we should always remember, God is always there to help us! What goes around comes around! Buy safely people!

Sunday, May 30, 2010


  1. Stop talking too much nonsense
  2. See the good in others
  3. Spend less time on the internet
  4. Stop being lazy
  5. Be consistently neat & tidy
  6. Slow down on shopping
  7. Read more educational books
  8. Spend more time to study than sleep
  9. Spend less time to sleep than study
  10. Travel around more - Bali, Surabaya, India, Makkah
  11. Save more money
  12. Do less spending
  13. Update blog more often
  14. Treat people well
  15. Nice teeth
  16. Less embarrassment 
  17. Watching less motion pictures
  18. Pray a lot more
  19. Do more flip charts in presentation (but not always, just more)
  20. Boycott Jewish products more consistently 
  21. Cut down on sarcasm (but keep it in case it comes in handy)
  22. Have more respects to the teaching doctors
  23. Slow down on gossiping! 
  24. Lessen daydreaming 
  25. Be better

Friday, May 28, 2010


I asked my mother, 'Mak, mak nak laki yg macam mana utk kita (kak mia & I)?'
My mom answered, 'Nak yg beriman.. Kalau die jaga solat, insya allah yang lain2 boleh bentuk.'
I replied, 'Habis tu kalau beriman, tapi tkde duit mcm mana?'
Mama said, 'Takpelah, hubungan dgn Allah tu lg penting...'.

tak bau busuk

(But not for now)

People keep asking, 'Bila nak ade boyfriend?'.
And my usual lame answer, 'Takde sape nak..' (for real)
But, penting sgt ke ada boyfriend?
Anyway, I am not planning to get married (ouch & itch), not before graduating.
(Plan saja, ALLAH yg menentukan)..
So why bother having a boyfriend that you wont marry until after a couple double triple of years ahead?

Wallahu a'alam...

P/S: Saya berharap Kak Mia dpt jmpa LAKI-LAKI yg beriman & berguna dan sila kahwin 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tribute to Betty: A Blue Fighting Fish Pet

I bought Betty right before reproductive system final exam.
Bought in PAUN. I bought 2 fighting fish actually, red & blue. I thought the red one was female, but when I put them together, they keep fighting. So, I assume both are female OR both are male. Haha.
Long story short, the red one went dead. Can't remember when.
So the blue one left alone with me.
And recently I gave her a name; 'Betty'.
When the food that I bought along with her finished, she didn't eat other fish foods that I bought later after that.
I fed her with mosquitoes. How? Mosquitoes come, I hit them and put them in the fish tank. (Actually not a tank, but a bekas kuih raya).
Betty is a survivor. At nights when there weren't any mosquitoes, she didn't eat anything.
She'd rather starve than consuming the fish foods that I bought.
(She actually did took in the food, but kehek the food after that)(betul ke kehek? bahasa kelantan ni)
Sometimes, she didn't eat anything for far too long that I can't imagine what keeps her alive.
She is a fish. She is quiet. Never complains.
She died recently at 24th May 2010. Approximate age is 1 yr old.
What a fish!

Thanks to those who have helped me took care of Betty when I was not around.
Wan.. (maybe Betty don't like men)

I am going to miss you Betty whenever I encounter mosquitoes.

*Mana pic betty ni? Aku da amik gmbr die awal2 bila rsa die mcm nk mati..

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hey Hey Cepat Mengumpat Saya!

So, I've been thinking of doing something good to myself.
I'm doing evaluation of myself.

But sometimes we miss things that are truly obvious in front of our eyes, comes out from our own mouth and etc...
So I need my friends, families & those who know me even in a single meeting.. to speak out of things that u think of me. About me. Anything about me.
And No, this is not mengumpat as in the title.

So I created this form below for you guys to fill in the things about me. This will go straight to my email. So no one but me is going to read them. And I will not know who you are unless u leave a name.

Either negative or positive. I'm looking forward to read 'bad' things about me. After all, it wasn't that hard isn't it. Hehe.

I just need to evaluate myself.
I'm not sure for how long this 'reflection' thing is going on. But the max is a month. So, grab your chance to CONFRONT me and say things u really need to say about me. No offense.. No hard feelings..
Please help me doing so and be honest.
Thank You for helping me become a better man.

Dah baca kena isi form ni eh! Jangan nak tangguh2!! Isi sekarang! 

Not everyday u can spill the beans.. Do it now..!

Nicknames maybe..or no
What do you think of me?
Who are u to me? Schoolmate, housemate etc.. (u
can leave it blank if u want)
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You Just Dont Know

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My buta K850i

OK. Long hiatus I have been.
Cerita yang akan diceritakan ini dah lama. Tapi nk tulis jugak la sbb tk tau nk tulis ape lg. Lg pn dah lama sgt tak update mcm dah tahap melampau.
Handphone K850i.
Syifaa panggil die handphone robot. 
I bought in JB in Dec 2008.

Satu hari yg tak disangka2, tiba2 screen minah ni blank. Mula2 blank kejap2 je. Skali tros blank tk nmpk ape2. Call bole, msg bole, amik gmbr pn bole..Tp tk nmpk ape2. Haa.. Mcm org buta lah hp ini.
Kemudian, few weeks later, I sent my phone to bengkel. Di JATOS. (Jatinangor Town Square, Bandung, Indonesia). Kedai tingkat 3. 

Kedai Pertama:
Pakcik ini muka die mcm ikhlas. Lalu setelah explain the problems and everything, die ckp LCD rosak. Harga: Rp 250,000(RM 80+).

Beberapa hari berlalu.. HP saya dah tak buta! I asked for my 'late' LCD from him. Lalu bawa pulang.

Dgn excited, main2 hp. Tiba2 blank semula. Maka, geram.
Lalu bawa pulang semula ke kdai pakcik muka mcm ikhlas tu.
Die nk tuka LCD baru.

Beberapa hari berlalu lagi.. I went back to the store and pkcik muka tak brapa nk ikhlas tu kata tkle nak baikkan my HP. He gave back my money but my phone was in a bad condition.
Die pasang tak betul, Ada gap in between the casing.

Kedai Kedua (nama die Hapehade):
I told the story all over again. He said the same thing, LCD prob. But this time, they don't know the price of the LCD. So, since he had disassembled my HP and everything, he said that they will inform me later the price.  And wait for my confirmation.

Beberapa hari berlalu. No information! Lalu, geram lagi.
Went back to the store. The lady of the shop was there. I asked about the LCD & bla bla bla.
Baru lah die terkedek2 nak call he-who-know-the-price right away.
She said, Rp 350,000. OK lg mahal dr kedai before. Lg pn dah plan nk tuka kat msia jela. So I decided to take back my buta phone. But the man yg buat keje2 gode2 hp tu takde. Tk dtg lg, so I said I will come back tomorrow to take my phone. LCD nya jangan diganti..

Tapi die degil.

Beberapa hari kemudian, HP itu telah bercahaya semula. Lalu, geram. Kan aku dah kata jgn tuka. Aku ckp bahasa Indonesia kot. Bukan ckp melayu! Heshhh.
Lalu, mintak org kedai tuka blik LCD kpd yg lama. Bialah die buta, asal tk tertipu.
Tapi die pulak mintak Rp100,000 as a service charge. Macam apeeee!!! Marah ni. OK lah. Fine. Memandangkan dah 'tertuka' LCD tu, I am willing to pay. Deduction to Rp300,000.
Lalu bila dibelek2 HP bercahaya itu, ada sesuatu luar biasa. Bukak tmpt battery, wah mcm lain je. Ini bukan HP saya. Instinct seorang tuan HP saya kuat mengatakan.
Bila ditanya2, diorg ckp, Ya, Ini HP nya. Yeye je kau ni.
Lalu I said, duit tak cukup esok lah amik. Sebenarnya nak gi call mak tanya no siri HP tu kat kotak. Kotak HP ade kat rumah.

Lalu beberapa hari kemudian, I came back to the store.
Checked the HP. Tgk phone book, nama Indonesia. Sent msgs, wahhh ade 12 msg bahasa sunda. When I asked them, they said they purposely sent msgs to TEST the phone! Test smpai 12 mbak??? 
Dicoba2 serial nya.. Nah beda tu.. Padan muka kau.
(Flashback: masa mula2 hantar hp tu, ade lg satu hp k850i kat kedai tu)
Haa. Die ckp HP yg lagi satu tu belongs to someone kerja kat JATOS tu jugak.
Lalu, die pn pergi lah mendapatkan lelaki berHP k850i itu.
Beberapa minit yg lama... (mcm ade konspirasi je)
Baru lah HP yg sebenar smpai.
HP aku telah bercahaya tetapi bila nak amik gmbr, LCD jd blank. Wuuwuuwuuu
Camera half-damaged. Lighting kat LCD area tgh2 mcm gelap sikit.
But I won't let the phone stay a minute longer with those manipulative strangers. So, I took back my half-cacat phone.

Jadi. Janganlah hantar repair HP anda sembarangan. Kerana mereka ini kadang2, nk buka tmpt battery pn tak tahu. Main tibai je nk buat mcm mana.
Sakit hati.
Tapi. Lesson learned.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tagged by Amal & Pejal

Hot (marah) - sikit2. bila kemal nk bgn subuh ni..haishhh

Hot (panas) - zero. sejuk. rebut2 comforter ngn yana. 
Hot (attractive) - tak. 

2)UPLOAD fav pic ANDA...


bukanlah fav sgt pn. in the pic: my 1st big sis. hari raya 2nd. on d way to spore. dlm keta.

tk hengat. dah lama dah. order papa ron 2 kt rumah. 

Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys. Da tido. Ingatkn alarm clock. Rupanya lagu kt laptop. Cehh

Tunggu nisah abis mndi. Mandi laju2 nisah. Nnti air abis.

- sheqa (kawan2)

- iqah (kaum keluarga)
- sheq
- mama cu
- qoka
- shake your bon2
- gemok (kak mia)


 1- MALnutrition

 2- Captain Anjang
 3- Faroh
 4- Epin
 5- Yaya Umardani
 6- Yana 
 7- Nisah
 8- Anip

- Tk kesah la ade blog ke tak. Buat jela bnda ni atas ketas pn tkpe.

Dia mcm kawan baik aku. Hahaha. Sbb pegi skola sama2. Aku jerit nama die, die jerit nama aku. Aku kutuk dia, dia kutuk aku. Baik ke tu? Die tk suka kua2 sosial mcm yana. Yana sosial.

Yaya dalink. Nti blik JB kite foya2 lagi ok.. Bole beli baju kat reject shop RM3!

Dengan laptop. Dengan topek. Ok tak?? Hehehe. Ada bantahan?

Dengan miera. (bknla mira marsidek). syg betul die kt cikgu miera ni. yelah. semoga kawin & forever & dpt anak cute.

Yana jgn mandi lmbt. Nnti aku gtau daddy kau. Haha.

Yana jgn suka diam. Nnti aku rasa nk marah kau. 
Yana. Aku suka kari kau.

Captain.. I just want to say... I love you. But..We can't be together. We just can't...


Nisah & Anip??
- Nama start ngn H
..Da 5minit aku pkir persamaan diorg ni..
- Menurut sumber yg bole dipercayai, dua2 suka dgr lagu. 
..Ah. Fed-up la aku nk pikir lagi..


1. Ayah dia masa muda2 dlm gmbr hensem
2. Selalu pakai selendang. Penah buat tutorial pakai selendang kt uma kn?
3. Org admin suka cari amal. Amal selalu bwk brita gmbira bila kelas tkde. 
4. Amal = Buku photocopy
5. Amal suka kawan ngn sume org.

1. Dr sumber yg pasti, pejal mandi lama & mcm air terjun. bedebush..
2. Kalau gi umah 75, even pejal bilik plg depan, die salu tk dgr kalau aku bg salam. Sakit hati aku. 
3. Pejal suka sosial. Ngn zub, ngn wan, ngn nua. Ape nak jadi?

4. Pejal dari dulu smpai skrg nk bg tazkirah kamis mlm jumaat. Tp tk ter'bagi' pun. 
5. Pejal malas main bola. Tapi bgus jd penunggu gol.


I eat them. Sedapnya ari tu mimpi mkn sup jukebox. wow wow wow.

Bagus jugak la. Tag ini memaksa kita mengimbas kembali memori & mengaktifkan hippocampus.

Who is this razman? Aku nk tuka razman kepada suhaimi. 

Who is suhaimi???  

20)GAY or LESS???
soalan ni less ke les? Soalan tk berkualiti. I like girlss! But i'll take a man as a partner. 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Dearie Ammer

Another family member's birthday.
But this time, he won't be able to read the post.
Not until he least 5 or 6 years old maybe.
And that's gonna take 2-3 years.
And I don't know whether this blog is available at that moment.

And HE is my beloved one and only (for now) nephew.
Happy 3rd Birthday.
You just 3. How boring.

Ammer my nephew who always kinda confused between me & my sister.
Who often smells air liur basi or air tuak as my dad would call it.
You are sort of cute when you were speechless (meaning: belum tau ckp lg).
Now.. yeah. You look like US. The Abdullah's..You are adorable though.

But no matter what, I will always love you, darling.
You are somewhat stubborn enough. Just like your mother. I won't blame you. Hehe.
Well dear, with you born, you brought quite a happiness & brightness & light and anything shiny.
But you gonna have to share the limelight with your sister, Aleeyah. 
Who don't bother anything else other than breastfeed.  
Not much of a competition there.

One day, I will bring you to 'atas'. As you always want & keep repeating as you saw my face.
And the only thing you noticed from RM 10 note. What an eye you have. 
(atas = aeroplane)

Well. That's it. Don't write long because you don't bother to read.
You don't even bother to talk to me over the phone.

Pesanan utk ammer:
1. Don't be afraid of cats. Because that is so pondan.
2. Don't cry. U look ugly when u are crying
3. Behave. Stubborn & naughty is not cool anymore.
4. Don't give your mother any hard time. She is my sister okayy.

Mama Cu sayang ammer. Ammer sayang cu tak?
Miss u darl.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What good does reading the Quran do?

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Qur'an. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Qur'an just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book.
"What good does reading the Qur'an do?"

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Ta ke this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would Leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!" "So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket."

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.

"Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be Changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tolong beli tudung saya - [SOLD OUT to tety]

oh. ini bukanlah blogshop. tapi kakak saya telah TERSALAH beli tudung utk saya. I asked for a royal blue.

Warna yg kt atas tu dah ada dah beli.
Kepada sesiapa rakan2 UNPAD Jatinangor yg nk beli tdg ni, sila lah.  Yg kt msia tk pyh.

 TUDUNG: Tudung mcm arianni (mcm je) yg aku salu pakai
HARGA: RM 20.00/ Rp 60,000
PERNAH PAKAI KE TAK: Pernah utk amik gmbar jela.
JENIS KAIN: tak tau. tapi kain best ala2 arianni sikit. polyester kot.
SIZE: M . Labuh tutup dada okayyy.
ASAL: Import dari Shah Alam
BAU: Bau kedai lagi.

Kalau nak boleh lah comment, msg, facebook, ym, skype, cuit bahu, panggil nama.

PESANAN: Tolonglah beli.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

10 LITTLE things that make me happyy..

1. Bila ada 'uang pas' nak byr duit angkot.

2. Bila amal masuk lecture hall & ckp.. kelas takde!!

3. Bila doctor kata..'you can go back'..= kelas habis..~

4. When I wake up in the morning, and it's Saturday..! Holidayyy!

5. Bila dpt pukul nyamuk..& bg makan kat ikan laga.

6. When the plant I planted seems to grow..

7. Bila da dapat jumpa LI kat dlm buku..

8. Bila ada org comment kat blog.

9. Bila dah mandi pagi.. huhu

10. Bila diselubungi comforter yg enak pada hari yang sejuk..

Friday, January 1, 2010

When I Broke Up

When I just broke up, I was so angry with my ex that I posted a bulletin on Friendster, cursing him here & there. Looking back, it was a seriously stupid thing to do. 
Thanks to my sister, Kak Iti, she called me and asked me what had happened, and what's with the bulletin.. 
And she said one thing that I remember until now.. which I took as an advice..

"Apsal mcm gelabah sangat?"
That did pushed the button. 
I deleted the bulletin of course. 
Now that I can see, it was humiliating. 
Having people to know what I was angry about, and telling other friends & strangers about personal things that they may not need to know.

Love is not always sweet. 
It is full of surprises. 
Once you get to the sour part of it, be strong.
Keep moving forward. (Mcm dlm movie meet the robinsons!!)

Because life is NOT only about love. 
And please stop cherishing love (to human being) as the most important thing in life.
Live your life to the fullest darlsss.

So bila break up. Jgn la gelabah sgt ok. Relax & tenang2 aje. 

Remind me of myself.

Happy new year everyone.

Quote from Ustaz Zahazan:

'Allah tak suka org menceritakn maksiat yg die pernah buat. Memadailah dgn bertaubat.'